Monday, July 15, 2013

Justin Carter Gets Released After Facebook Comment Landed Him In Jail

Justin Carter

Justin Carter is now out of a prison thanks to an unnamed person.

The Texas teenage boy who has been in jail since February for making terrorist threats against an elementary school was able to post his $500,000 bond after an anonymous individual donated the impressive sum to his family.

Earlier this year Justin Carter, 19, was arguing with another gamer on Facebook over ?League of Legends,? when he stated that he wanted to kill young children in a school and eat their bodies.

Carter who claimed that he was joking wrote on the social networking site:

?I?m f?ed in the head alright. I think I?ma [sic] shoot up a kindergarten and watch the blood of the innocent rain down and eat the beating heart of one of them.?

Despite ending the sentence with ?JK? (just kidding) and ?LOL? (laugh out loud), a woman who read the sentence did a little research and found that Carter lived next to an elementary school and immediately called authorities to report the threat.

Appearing on CNN today, Justin Carter said he was very thankful for the good Samaritan who got him out of prison and apologized for the comments. He added:

?I just think that it got taken out of context and it?s been blown out of proportion.?

A petition started by the Carter family via asking for his release has picked up 125,000 signatures.

Tags: Texas

Category: News


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