Thursday, September 8, 2011

Internet Business Coach: 5 Ways to Determine if You Need One ...

Setting up a business online is not a straight forward process. New internet marketers often go through lots of trial and error before they find niches and strategies that they feel comfortable with and can profit from.

Almost everyone wants the path to success to be as quick and easy as possible. It?s easy to fall victim to promises from other marketers ? promises that you can be very successful ? yesterday!

The truth is that despite some of the enticing and often convincing claims, it?s rare for a beginner to generate a sizeable income in a very short period of time.

The good news is that beginner and advanced marketers can spare themselves months of trial and error by seeking advice from a reputable internet marketing coach.

Will your business benefit from an internet marketing coach?

Ask yourself these five questions:

1. Am I confused and/or overwhelmed?

There?s an abundance of information about how to be successful with internet marketing. It?s common for beginners, and even advanced marketers, to feel like they?re in over their head. Often they?re unable to stick to systems and strategies because many of them seem to be good for one reason or another. This often leads to lack of action or a scattering of efforts.

A good internet marketing coach will help you cut through the flotsam and jetsam so you can narrow in on what truly needs to be done for where you?re at now and where you need to go with your business.

2. Am I making any money?

Most people who attempt to master internet marketing won?t make money, or they won?t make enough to justify the effort they put in.

With guidance from a qualified professional coach, strategies can be improved or honed to up the odds that your efforts will pay off.

3. Am I managing my time properly?

The ideal is 80/20 ? 80% of results from 20% of one?s effort.

While this may not be acheivable right away, a good coach can help you analyze how you?re spending your time so you can modify what you?re doing if need be. .

4. Do I feel uncertain?

Lack of confidence can lead to inertia or work-a-holism.

A competant online business coach will offer encouragement and constructive criticism so you can power on feeling much better about your efforts.

5. Do I know my weaknesses and strengths in online business?

It?s easy to think that we know ourselves when we?re in familiar territory. But in online marketing, there are so many skills that are needed for success. Sometimes it?s hard to know where our talents truly lie and therefore where we should put most of our effort.

A good coach will help determine what your strengths and weaknesss are, helping you focus on what you?re good at as you outsource the rest.

Although many marketers are concerned with the cost of internet business coaching, the truth is that good coaching can be a much better investment than spending thousands of dollars on programs and products that may simply be a waste of time.

It?s important to find a internet business coach who is a successful online marketer themselves, not just a successful coach. So do your research ? ask around and check out everything you can about potential coaches before you sign on the dotted line.


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