Saturday, September 24, 2011

Careers in Business And Management | Business Foundation

Saturday, September 24th, 2011 | Uncategorized

Management skills are essential to develop a career in any business industry. Generally, managers are required to efficiently manage the resources (which includes physical and human capital) of a business. The more efficiently a business?s resources can be managed the more money the business can earn and save which is why some managers are paid huge amounts of money. For example, the medium value of salaries, bonuses and long-term incentive awards for CEOs of major companies in 2010 was US$9.3 million dollars. Viacom Inc CEO Philippe P. Dauman received compensation valued at $83.4 million in 2010. The job of the manager may include resolving problems, increasing efficiency, lowering overheads, motivating teams of people, coaching and mentoring, meeting department and staff objectives, increasing profit, recruiting staff and managing projects. To accomplish these tasks it takes a lot of time and commitment to learning and developing the right knowledge and skills but the position can lead to a very rewarding and profitable career. The role of a business manager depends on the type of business as well as type of position. There are human resource managers, marketing managers, project managers, sales manages, warehouse and operations managers and general managers (generally small business) responsible for all of the above roles.

All managers should havea generic set of skills that include the ability to delegate tasks to their own team, monitor the progress of delegated tasks, report progress and outcomes to other managers, train staff in systems and processes, mentor and coach staff, deal appropriately with difficult and non performing staff, monitor resource usage and costs, analyse, conduct research and plan for and meet budget and other department objectives. Managers are required to be able to inspire and motivate their troops to embrace the organization?s goals and vision. They let their troops have responsibility and hold them accountable for their jobs. They care about the organization as a team, keep morale high, and maintain a high energy level. Skilled managers are always in demand. This is why a good manager can expect great compensation and opportunities to move across companies if wanted. The best general managers are among the highest paid people in business. When working at the top, executive managers generally enjoy good perks and work on the highest level strategic decisions such as what markets to pursue, how to allocate resources, what products and services to sell etc.

Typical senior titles include Chief Operating Officer, Division President, President and CEO. The Diploma of Business and Diploma of Management are great courses to have under your belt to get you started on the management pathway. These courses are about practical, vocational training ? how to actually get things done in the workplace. Some people use the Diploma of Managementas a pathway to a higher university degree program or as a pathway from a completed university degree program to prepare them for the actual workplace ? putting that theory into practice. Mead Business College offers excellent Diploma of Business online and Diploma of Management online courses. This college has formed a partnership with Australia?s business industry council Innovation and Business Skills Australia to deliver the latest online learner management system platform and current best practice in business management. Management jobs in Australia are a significant contributor to their economy and society ? making Australia one of the topmost performers in the whole world.

Tags: Business, Careers, Management ?


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