Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Constructing a House in Costa Rica | Real Estate Lawyer

Costa Rica has interesting and beautiful landscapes with varied climates, from the hot semi arid season in Guanacaste which has countless beaches each with their unique beauty and character. Some beaches have good surf waves and others quiet lagoons, to the other extreme of wet rain cloud forest of the highlands. The beauty of Costa Rica is that there is so much choice within reasonable driving distance. The roads to the main towns and cities are good and when traveling off the beaten track, you will find the roads are weather proof and good for most of the year. The friendly Costa Ricans give a welcoming smile where ever you will choose to settle.

Once you have searched and found the land or property that you are interested in, there is a certain procedure that you need to be aware of in order to make the whole experience hassle free and even enjoyable; this process is as follows.

The first and most important step is to do a title search, then to check the legal status of the land with the right owners name or owner rights, see if there are any liens or pending legal issues, all this can be can be done by using a lawyer.

Before rushing to purchase it you need to make sure it fits your needs, whether it is intended for building a house, a few houses or designated to become an eco-park with walking trails and animal watching spots. Therefore, a topographical survey needs to be done to update the land measurements followed by a feasibility study to define if the land is suitable for house construction, permits will be needed to get water (?AyA?) and electricity to the land and soil movement permits among several other types of permission that will be needed before you can begin construction of your house this can seem a rather daunting task but can become much easier if you take advantage of a local company that specializes in assisting land owners crossing safely these procedures.

Once you have all the permits and permission it will be possible to develop the property first by building the roads, then putting in electricity and other basic infrastructure, the process will be much easier if you use a management company, preferably one who has English speakers and experience also who will understand exactly what you need and who can understand you as well.

There are many real estate management companies, who offer both land investments for business ventures and also attractive lots to build your home here. For your comfort it is advisable to take a construction company run by English speaking expats who have a lot of experience and good contacts in Costa Rica who will be able to guide you through the entitlement process and advising you the best way to get the permits, and prepare the ground work to the point where construction of your house can be started.

By doing so you can be assured to be free for imagining how your house would be like, planning it accordingly and enjoying the process of its creation. The technicalities will be taken care of by the company you have hired. There is no need for you to be troubled by the seemingly long list of permits and permissions that need to be done even before you are able to build your house, as this will all be taken care of.

Building a house in Costa Rica can be a fun adventure. All depends on who you choose to be your executing partner. Camino Oro ( [] ) is a construction company located in Costa Rica [] which is run by English speaking ex pats. It offers all relevant services; from property development to real estate management and even landscaping.


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