Saturday, April 7, 2012

Expand Your Business With These Internet Marketing Tips

Internet marketing can be a daunting task. There are a lot of different opportunities, the competition is high, and real money is there to be won or lost. But you need an Internet marketing plan these days if you want your business to be as successful as it can be. The tips below will help you navigate through your Internet marketing needs and come out on top!

Build a quality website. This is the first step of any successful Internet marketing plan. Even if you currently have a website, analyze it and decide whether it is really quality. To be the impact calling card that it should be, your website needs its design and messaging to be both professional and engaging. Your website?s communication needs to be relevant and persuasive. As well, your website?s overall navigation and flow needs to feel simple and yet strategically planned. If any of these things aren?t true, then you are losing visitors and essentially leaving money on the table. There are many websites and books on strategic web design that can help you, or if design is not your forte, then hire a professional. It will pay off in the long run.

Develop an article marketing strategy and write engaging content. Content is king on the Internet. With the the billions upon billions of web pages available for web surfers to see, you need to have content that quickly engages visitors to be able to compete for their focus. Writing compelling content can help guarantee that your website?s visitors stay longer on your site, and over time this leads to more sales.

Article marketing is also important, especially in building brand awareness and thought leadership. Develop articles that are engaging and relevant to topics surrounding your business. Post these articles to other websites, forums, and social networks. These articles will work for you by introducing you and your brand to thousands of people (if not more). These articles are not hard sells of your products. They are opinion pieces, how to articles, or informational articles that expand your company?s thought leadership into the marketplace. If you hard sell in article marketing, your articles may accomplish the exact opposite of what you want. They may actually turn people off from your brand.

Building a blog is an excellent next step to any article marketing plan. Here, as in article marketing, you can post original articles that expand on themes and topics related to your company?s business. Blogs can pull business to you, as consumers look to finding thought leadership in the market to help them make their purchase decisions.

Blogs have the additional benefit that they can be attached directly to your site or you can choose to make a blog on a popular blogging community like WordPress or Blogger. Choosing the former places your readers right in your company environment, so your branding and other content may help them take action. Choosing the latter opens up your blog to being discovered by potentially millions of members of that blogging community. Both choices have benefits, so choose whichever best suits your needs.

Invest in social media. Social media like Facebook and Twitter are the homes to millions of potential consumers. Facebook currently has nearly one billion members globally! Your company needs to be positioned on social networks. Learn about the social networks out there, and choose which ones you will invest time in. Don?t try to do them all, as you can easily burn out.

Most importantly, you and your company need to be social on social media! You can?t just post once every few weeks and walk away. You need to interact with your community by answering comments and asking questions yourself! This investment of time will pay off as you build trust with your followers that other company?s can?t match.

It?s easy to see that Internet marketing is a lot of work! It pays out massive dividends, though, for those who put in the effort. Start today with these few tips, and watch your business grow to places you never thought possible.

Tags: social network, Business, quality website, Marketing, brand awareness, social media, thought leadership

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