Thursday, March 1, 2012

Video: Obama honors Iraq War veterans

>>> president obama will mark the end of the iraq war by hosting a white house gala tonight for iraq war veterans. about 100 iraq vets are invited along with about 100 of their guests. among those who will attend tonight, former marine staff sergeant eric alva . he was the first american wounded in iraq . thank you so much for your time. thank you for your service to this country. we great lit appreciate it. and i'm actually honored to have you on. how does it feel tonight to be attending the dinner?

>> you know, it's surreal, tamron. thank you for having me on your show. you know, i'm getting goosebumps as the clock tickets down.

>> a marine getting goosebumps. wait a minute. that's an breaking news. i've never heard that.

>> i'm excited. and i'm honored. and you node to represent you know, the hundreds of thousands and millions of people who, you know, participated in operation iraq freedom. and there's about 100 of us. i think some of us even are reconciling in our heads how did they get picked. it's an honor. i'm speechless i know you were an advocate to have don't ask the don't tell real estate peeled. you were there when the president took the honor of signing that away. that's a part of the controversy. it's 100 people there, all deserving. we know that more than a million served in iraq . how does that gel or jibe with you knowing there's so many others who will feel the love but they're not a part of a big parade like we saw with the giants or some of the other sports teams.

>> you know, there's -- we were having that discussion in the hotel last night. several of us that are attending the dinner that were meeting for the first time. some of us were actually talking about that going back like what i stated earlier like how did i get selected. we were reconciling that there are people be like so and so is more deserving to be there. it's a huge bumbling experience. you know, i know you're familiar with my story. i was only until iraq for three hours. i didn't spend a whole night when i got hit and became the first american injured. so it's sometimes difficult when you're paid homage because i think we have such big hearts like you don't want that attention but people want to give it to you. and that's all right. it's an honor to represent millions who participated and did their service to our country.

>> thank you so much. you're a fellow texan. i love that, as well. i know that several other states, missouri, for example, had a nice little parade that they pulled together, grassroots for vets in their community. several other cities have done the same. hopefully we can see a national event one day.

>> we will.

>> i know we will, too. enjoy your evening. i can't wait to see some of the pictures from the evening.

>> thank you so much.


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