Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Planning Your DIY Project ? Home Improvements

Budgeting for home improvement is always difficult as there are many different factors that could nullify your carefully laid out plans. From cutting a piece of wood slightly too short to running out of nails or screws, it can sometimes be rectified easily, but other times it can end up causing a great deal of stress and expense.

If you stick to a few rules for all of your DIY projects you can help yourself come in on budget and end up with great results.

Plan For Success

Making sure that you take everything into account is the first step to making sure your project will go off without a hitch. You don?t have to create a blue print for a set of shelves, but thinking through exactly what you are going to do will help you greatly. Simple things can be missed out and cause hassle which can be easily avoided. If you fasten something together, will it stop you from getting to another screw or cut?

Simply thinking through what you are going to do beforehand can help you with the steps involved and give you a better understanding of what it is you will have to do.

Get Exactly What You Need

?And then some. Allocating for slip ups is a good idea, especially if you are getting materials which are harder to come by or need to be ordered. If you need 15 screws, get 20. If you need wood 300mm long, get it over the length and cut down. It is better to have too much than too little. With this, make sure you take this into account when you are figuring out the cost. You may not think you will need extra, but those extra bits can come in handy. For example, if you have spare pieces of wood, you can use them to protect other pieces whilst clamping and drilling or use the off cuts to sample finishes.

Measure Twice, Cut Once

This is an old and trusted piece of advice, but it is always relevant. Double checking your measurements and plans can make sure that your DIY plans will go smoother. If something doesn?t look or feel right, it probably isn?t, so make sure and make sure again before that critical cut. It may seem like you spend more time planning than actually working, but this should be seen as a good thing to ensure you get quality work.

Give Yourself Enough Money

If you start something and get into it, you will want to make sure you finish it. If you get caught out financially it can shelf a project and you may never return to it. There are plenty of anecdotes about people?s half finished kitchens and bathrooms, but before you start a project make sure you have the money to finish it off. If you don?t have enough near the end of a project you can always get help to finish it from your bank, or by using a payday loan lender to give you a quick cash boost whilst you are in the swing of things.

Of course, even with all of this in mind, you should only do what you are confident doing. If you are unsure about your skills, try getting a friend to help, this will point out any problems you might not have seen and give you a bit more motivation to go through with it.


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