Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gadhafi captor tortured, killed by ex-leader's supporters

One of the men who pulled former Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Gadhafi from a drainpipe last year has been buried after he was kidnapped by Gadhafi supporters and tortured, later dying of his injuries.

Omran Ben Shaaban's body was flown back to Libya by private jet on Tuesday from France, where he'd been receiving medical attention.

Video posted online showed thousands of mourners at a Misrata sports stadium Tuesday night. The Libyan government said it would give the 22-year-old a funeral fit for a hero. A photo was also posted of Shaaban in wooden casket, his face visible through a glass window.

Shaaban and three friends were attacked and kidnapped by Gadhafi loyalists in July near the southern town of Bani Walid, where many Gadhafi supporters still live. Relatives told the Associated Press Shaaban was shot twice and paralyzed from the waist down. When Libya's president Mohammed el-Megarif managed to get Shaaban and two of his friends released this month, Shaaban was "skin and bones."

"It was clear he was beaten a lot," his brother Abdullah Shaaban told the AP. "His entire chest was sliced with razors. His face had changed. It wasn't my brother that I knew."

Shaaban was then flown to France for treatment, but he died on Tuesday.

The fall of Gadhafi has resulted in the rise of independent militias and widespread lawlessness, highlighted by the deaths two weeks ago American Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans during an attack on the consulate in Benghazi.

The AP reports that Shaaban belonged to a coalition of militias called Libya Shield, sanctioned and supported by the Defense Ministry.

He reportedly never received the $800,000 reward for capturing Gadhafi last October, but his brother said Shaaban considered it his duty.

Gadhafi was found hiding in a drainage pipe near his birthplace Sirte. He was dragged out and violently carried away during which time he was killed. Video posted by the aggregator Storyful appears to show Shaaban carrying a pistol while a bloodied Gadhafi pleads for his life.

Libya's congress has vowed to track down Shaaban's kidnappers. A militia commander said they would take matters into their own hands if the authorities fail.

"We will take revenge militarily but legitimately," Walid Ben Shaaban told Agence France-Presse. "We will give the authorities an opportunity to tackle the issue but if they fail to act, we know how to make our move."

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Open Season on Salt: What the Science on Hypertension Really Shows

Shedding pounds may be a better way to promote cardiovascular health than avoiding the saltshaker

salt, hypertension, salami Image: Flickr/reallyboring

  • Showcasing more than fifty of the most provocative, original, and significant online essays from 2011, The Best Science Writing Online 2012 will change the way...

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The latest news reports about salt are enough to make a parent ponder a household ban on pizza and cold cuts. A study published last week in Pediatrics found that children eat, on average, 3.4 grams of sodium daily?more than twice the amount recommended for adults by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). News outlets, including the Associated Press and USA Today, explained that, according to the study, the quarter of American kids who eat the most sodium are twice to three times as likely to develop high blood pressure as the quarter who eat the least. The take-home message from these stories is clear: kids need to cut down on salt or they will suffer serious health consequences.

It's a compelling argument. Problem is, it may be wrong.

The study that these articles reference, which was published by researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), did not actually find a statistically significant association between salt intake and blood pressure in kids. And the doubling or tripling of risk described by some outlets isn't an accurate portrayal of the findings either. As lead author Quanhe Yang explained to Scientific American in an interview, high salt intake doubles the odds that kids have hypertension or pre-hypertension (and again, this doubling is not statistically significant), but odds and risk are two very different things. "I am not sure the best way to convert this odds ratio into a risk ratio," Yang says, but if he had to guess, the risk would probably be lower than the odds.

Yang's study does provide compelling insights. It shows that among obese or overweight children, increased salt intake is linked to higher blood pressure, an association that is statistically significant. Scientists have long known that obesity increases hypertension risk in adults and kids, but the CDC's study suggests that being overweight might also make kids more sensitive to salt's blood-pressure-boosting effect.

Still, the kids' blood pressure changes were not huge: The overweight children who ate the most sodium?an average of about 4.6 grams per day?had an average systolic blood pressure (the top number in the blood pressure ratio) of 112.8 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), whereas those who consumed the least?an average of 2.3 grams of sodium?had an average systolic pressure of 109 mmHg. (The two groups? average diastolic pressures, the bottom number in the ratio, were the same.) In other words, among overweight and obese kids, a doubling of sodium intake was associated with a 3 percent increase in systolic blood pressure. This difference may not be clinically significant for individuals, because "systolic blood pressure changes from minute to minute" by as much as 5 mmHg, says Michael Alderman, a professor emeritus at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and editor in chief of the American Journal of Hypertension.

An average systolic blood-pressure difference of 3 percent could, however, have consequences for overall public health. But Yang says that it's impossible to tell from his study whether eating more salt actually causes blood pressure to rise. "This is a cross-sectional study; we cannot say anything about causality," he explains. Although he and his colleagues tried to control for potentially confounding variables, it's possible that kids who eat more salt also have other habits that predispose them to high blood pressure. (For instance, research suggests that children who eat lots of salt also drink lots of soft drinks, which are associated with blood pressure increases, too.) Indeed, research doesn't always support the notion that salt causes high blood pressure: A large, multicenter study known as INTERSALT compared urinary sodium levels?an accurate indicator of prior sodium consumption?with hypertension in more than 10,000 people in 1988 and found no statistically significant association between them. In fact, the population that ate the most sodium had a lower median blood pressure than the population that ate the least.


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AMD Trinity desktop chips due next week, promise Core i5-matching power at Core i3 price

AMD to release Trinity desktop chips next week, promises Core i5 power for a Core i3 priceBeing the industry underdog means youre always in need of a punchy pitch Fortunately, the marketing around AMDs latest processors  the longawaited Trinity APUs for desktop PCs  is brutally simple For something like the cost of an Ivy Bridge Core i3, you can get an overclockable A105800K that, were told, belongs in the same weight category as an Ivy Bridge Core i5 with HD4000 integrated graphics In other words, and although exact pricing wont be revealed until the full stack of A10, A8 and A6 processors hit shelves next week, buyers of lowpower PCs like allinones and HTPCs could potentially save around $xx by going with AMD instead of Intel  Such a claim just cries out to be tested, which is exactly what we try to do in the video after the break  albeit under the auspices of AMD and solely in relation to the game Sleeping Dogs The upshot of the video is that the A10 runs that title at medium settings and 16x10 resolution at almost 30 fps Throw in some conservative GPU and memory overclocking while sticking with the stock cooler and chip will readily stretch to 1920 x 1080 at 37 fps By contrast, an Ivy Bridge Core i5 struggles to get beyond slowmo 10 fps, and of course you cant overclock it without spending extra on unlocked K variant of the chip  something AMD sells at no premium whatsoever   But thats just one game  and moreover one game on a chip that isnt especially targetted at gaming so much as allround entertainment and productivity ie the kinds of customers who dont want to spend $100 extra on a discrete graphics card We need full benchmarks covering more scenarios and general computing performance, and a number of specialist sites will be releasing such data today see the More Coverage links below, with fuller reviews following on October 2nd  at which point well do our regular review roundup

Being the industry underdog means you're always in need of a punchy pitch. Fortunately, AMD's latest briefing to journalists in London yesterday contained exactly that: for something like the cost of an Intel Core i3 you'll be able to pick up an overclockable Trinity A10-5800K which, we're told, belongs in the same weight class as a Core i5 with HD 4000 graphics. Exact pricing won't be revealed until the full stack of A10, A8, A6 and A4 processors hits shelves next week, but the top-end A10 will likely cost around $130, based on recent leaks and a glance at what Newegg currently charges for an i3. Unluckily, however, whereas Ivy Bridge was compatible with some previous-generation motherboards, Trinity will require the purchase of a new Socket FM2 motherboard.

The claim of performance parity with the Core i5 just cries out to be tested, but we'll have to wait until early October before we can round up verdicts from full reviews on specialist sites. In the meantime, check out the More Coverage links below for some early previews. Also, if you require something more directly head-to-head with an Intel chip, then that's exactly what you'll find in the video after the break, albeit under AMD's auspices and solely in relation to a single game, Sleeping Dogs. As you'll see, there's nothing to turn hardcore gamers against discrete graphics cards, and there are no clues about non-gaming performance (which is arguably more relevant on an APU-powered system). But the A10-5800K does offer plenty of scope for escapism on a low-power HTPC or all-in-one. Indeed, the more expensive Core i5 is left for dust, not least because it's locked -- unlike AMD, Intel charges a premium for its overclockable K-denoted chips. We'll add further preview links as they become available.

Continue reading AMD Trinity desktop chips due next week, promise Core i5-matching power at Core i3 price

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AMD Trinity desktop chips due next week, promise Core i5-matching power at Core i3 price originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 00:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Arctic warming could spur regrowth of ancient fossil forest

The paleo-scene won't sprout up overnight, of course, said Alexandre Guertin-Pasquier of the University of Montreal, who will present his research at the Canadian Paleontology Conference in Toronto this week.

By Jeanna Bryner,?LiveScience Managing Editor / September 24, 2012

An ancient forest once flourished on the Canadian Arctic's Bylot Island (shown here), and researchers say global warming may revive it.

Alexandre Guertin-Pasquier


A fossilized forest that flourished more than 2.5 million years ago could return to life thanks to a warming planet, scientists say.

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The?paleo-scene?won't sprout up overnight, of course, said Alexandre Guertin-Pasquier of the University of Montreal, who will present his research at the Canadian Paleontology Conference in Toronto this week.

Rather, he said, climate forecasts suggest that, by 2100, the now-uninhabited Bylot Island where the?fossilized forest?was discovered will support temperatures similar to those prevalent when the forest thrived.

"The fossil forest found in Bylot Island probably looked like the ones actually found in the [present-day] south of Alaska, where tree-line boreal forest grows near some glacier margins," Guertin-Pasquier wrote in an email. "The main plant diversity also seems to be similar between these two environments," which both include willow, pine and spruce trees. [See Photos of the Fossil Forest Site]

He and his colleagues analyzed samples of wood that had been preserved in the area's peat and permafrost. They specifically looked for pollen, which would reveal the types of trees growing in the area at the time.

To help nail down a specific date when growth occurred, the researchers analyzed the sediments laid down at the time the forest lived. They specifically looked at magnetic particles found in the soil, particularly?magnetite. This works because, throughout our planet's history, the orientation of the magnetic north pole changed several times, a well-documented phenomenon. Since these "magnetic sediments" line up with?Earth's magnetic orientation, scientists can use this to date the sediment layers.

They estimate the forest thrived between 2.6 million and 3 million years ago.

The trees in the ancient forest, as interpreted from the?pollen samples, usually grew in areas with a yearly average temperature of about 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius), Guertin-Pasquier said. Currently, average temperatures on Bylot Island hover around 5 degrees F (minus-15 degrees C), he added.

Will our grandchildren actually see this forest come to life?

"I think it's very possible we might see forest compositions of the past returning with warming," Larisa R. G. DeSantis who was not involved in the study told LiveScience. "The question is whether those trees will be able to make it up there," DeSantis said, adding that in some ways it's a lot easier for?animals to migrate?to different conditions.

"But trees have another whole level of difficulty,?their potential for movement?is based on their dispersal of seeds and that sort of thing, so their movement is constrained," said DeSantis, who studies, among other topics, the reconstruction of ancient environments, at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn.

Fossil forests of a similar age have also been found on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic, where so-called "mummy trees" were uncovered?in the wake of a melting glacier. The spindly, mummified trees showed signs of stress, likely the result of a changing climate (from a greenhouse to an icehouse, of sorts) as well as the seasonal darkness occurring at the top of the world.

That, in fact, is one of the mysteries surrounding these Arctic forests, "how these trees managed to survive the relentless dark of the Arctic winter," Guertin-Pasquier said.

Next, the researchers plan to look more closely at other plant remains from Bylot Island to get a better idea of the possibly diverse flora.

Follow LiveScience on Twitter?@livescience. We're also on?Facebook?&?Google+.


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Defamation bill recalled from Ukraine parliament

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) ? Facing international criticism, Ukraine's ruling party announced Wednesday it's recalling a bill that envisioned jail time for defamation ? a rare victory for civil society in the ex-Soviet nation.

Critics of the proposed legislation, which was backed by the ruling party-dominated parliament, said it would have enabled censorship and been used by authorities to silence government critics.

The bill, which last week passed a first reading, called for penalties of up to five years in jail for defamation. The draft law drew condemnation from international watchdogs and prompted leading news outlets in Ukraine to put up black banners on their websites.

One of Ukraine's top magazines, Korrespondent, said its issue this week would feature a blank cover to protest the bill.

President Viktor Yanukovych's Party of Regions said one its lawmakers, Vitaly Zhuravsky, had recalled his bill from parliament and would rework it together with civil society groups. Yanukovych, who is in New York to attend the U.N. General Assembly, said Zhuravsky made the decision after talking with him and fellow party members.

"Such decisions cannot be made hastily," Yanukovych was quoted as saying on his website.

Watchdogs say media freedoms in Ukraine have come under threat since Yanukovych came to power two years ago. They accuse the government of resorting to censorship and pressuring independent news outlets ahead of the Oct. 28 parliamentary election.


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Blog Archive ? Houston Personal Injury Lawyer: ten Legal Terms ...

Post by Fred Johnson

Houston Personal Injury Lawyer: ten Lawful Terms and conditions You Must Know If Concerned In A Car Incident Case ? Regulation

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Hire the Best Houston Personal Injury Lawyer!

When you are concerned in a vehicle incident lawsuit, the language you might hear could confuse you. Some of the adhering to phrases may possibly seem to be familiar, but you must nevertheless make sure you know just what the individuals in the court room are referring to just before you suppose that you realize. The adhering to are ten terms that you are probably to listen to many instances throughout your vehicle incident circumstance. If you are educated on the legal indicating of these words, you will be a lot more well prepared to contribute to your circumstance.

DamagesThis time period refers to the damage a man or woman suffers and ought to be compensated for. There are two varieties: economic and noneconomic damages. Cost for health-related bills and lost wages are utilized to compensate for financial damages, and additional income presented to the victim is used to compensate for intangible things like psychological turmoil, which is viewed as to be a noneconomic hurt. A jury could also award punitive damages, which are utilised to punish the guilty social gathering and make them spend for their actions. In purchase to get punitive damages, however, you need to display a increased stress of evidence, such as destructive intent or a wrongful demise.

DiscoveryDiscovery is how the legal professional for your circumstance will get the proof they will existing at the trial. Developed interrogations, requests for files, and depositions are all kinds of discovery.

DepositionThis is a kind of discovery and normally occurs outside the house the courtroom. A particular person is named in to response questions posed by an legal professional although they are under oath, and their answers are documented by a courtroom reporter.

NegligenceNegligence is a failure on the element of the defendant to act appropriately with how he is expected to behave by culture. It is each and every citizen?s obligation to act and respond the very same way any other acceptable individual would act in a related scenario.

Individual InjuryThis implies any damage to your human body, thoughts, or thoughts. It is not an injury to property, these kinds of as your auto or automobile.

Proximate CauseThe main result in of an injury is a proximate result in. In a auto accident scenario, this would most probably indicate the auto accident alone, as the injuries was a direct consequence from it. The proximate cause is also referred to as the legitimate cause as nicely as the result in at legislation.

Statute of LimitationsThis term is the time limit a plaintiff has to file a lawsuit. The statute of constraints for car mishaps is various in every state, so make certain you are informed of your state legal guidelines before you file suit. To learn about your state?s statute of limitations for auto incident situations, go to our state pages which you will discover under each and every site on our internet site.

Survival claimThis is a assert that a decedent would have had ahead of his or her dying. Certain household members can deliver on this assert on behalf of the deceased social gathering if they would like to recuperate any damages that ensued.

TortThis term refers to any conduct that is viewed as to be negligent or wrongful and triggers some sort of harm.

Wrongful DeathThis declare is filed when a person?s loss of life is brought on by the carelessness of an additional. Household members can file a wrongful dying match in an endeavor to be compensated for the damages endured by the deceased as effectively as by them.

Seek the services of the Greatest Houston Personal Injury Lawyer!

If you have been in a significant auto incident, it is very likely that insurance coverage adjusters will commence calling you almost quickly. It is essential that you speak with an attorney prior to chatting with an insurance policies adjuster or signing any forms. Ahead of accepting an automobile accident settlement, it is critical that you know the total extent of your injuries and health-related expenses, normally the settlement might not be adequate to protect your damages. You should also communicate with the Very best Houston Personal Injury Lawyer ahead of accepting a auto accident settlement both to recognize what recovery you would be entitled to if you decide on to acquire the situation to court in front of a jury as a substitute of settling, and simply because he can aid you to decide if the automobile accident settlement supply is good or not.

About the Writer

If you or a liked a single had been critically wounded or your family members not too long ago misplaced a cherished 1 to the wrongful steps of a person else, speak to the Very best Houston Personal Injury Lawyer straight 24 hour/day, 365 days/calendar year for a cost-free, no-risk consultation.If you or a loved 1 ended up critically injured or your household just lately lost a cherished one particular to the wrongful steps of someone else, make contact with &ltahdirectly 24 hour/day, 365 times/12 months at 713-222-7577 or get in touch with our Houston regulation office toll free at 877-308-0100 for a totally free, no-risk consultation.

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Fred Johnson

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Friday, September 14, 2012

APNewsBreak: McConnell hires tea party strategist (The Arizona Republic)

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dollar falls on Fed stimulus plan

NEW YORK (AP) ? The dollar fell against other major currencies after the Federal Reserve said Thursday that it will launch another round of bond purchases to help boost the U.S. economy.

The central bank said that it will spend $40 billion a month to buy mortgage-backed securities for as long as it deems necessary.

The Fed already launched two rounds of bond purchases, most recently in August 2010. Those purchases push interest rates lower and can weaken the dollar.

The euro rose to $1.2985 late Thursday from $1.2894 late Wednesday. The euro rose as high as $1.3001 Thursday, its highest point against the dollar since May 9.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said the central bank will keep buying bonds until it sees more jobs, lower unemployment and stronger growth. He made those comments at a news conference after the Fed's announcement.

In other trading Thursday, the British pound rose to $1.6154 from $1.6102 late Wednesday.

The dollar fell to 77.45 Japanese yen from 77.87 Japanese yen, to 0.9348 Swiss franc from 0.9376 Swiss franc and to 96.94 Canadian cents from 97.64 Canadian cents.

The U.S. currency also weakened against the Australian and New Zealand dollar, the Norwegian krone, the Hong Kong dollar and the Brazilian real.


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For a lot of people a professional DSLR like the Nikon D800 is something you dream about but can't afford. The new full-frame Nikon D600 is $800 cheaper than the D800 and packs many of its big brother's features. Yes, you, the non-professional should be very excited. More »


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Vinod Khosla: ?I Feel Sad Sometimes For Y Combinator Companies That Get So Much Hype?

Vinod KhoslaThe legendary mentor Vinod Khosla criticized accelerators like Y Combinator who produce startups with overly slick pitches that he says garner "so much hype that they get valuations that no one who will help the team are going to pay." During his TechCrunch Disrupt talk, Khosla explained that the key role of early investors is not funding, but personal attention and guidance. But generating buzz too early can inflate a startup's?market cap and make them a less lucrative investment of time and money for the top-tier advisors they need. That leads to critical missteps like poor hiring decisions that can doom a startup.


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3 Fall TV Shows To Watch As A Couple & 3 To Watch Solo ...

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There are some TV shows you just can't watch with your guy.

Check out our photo gallery of fall TV shows to watch as a couple, and fall TV shows to watch alone!

Fall is my favorite season. And not just because?pumpkin spice lattes are returning or because temperatures are dipping, but because it's that time of year when all of my favorite TV shows (and some new shows) are gracing my television. It's a little embarrassing to admit, but I'm so crazy about TV that I'll watch anything. I'm just as addicted to Revenge as I am to Dance Moms!

This fall, there are some awesome shows premiering that would make for a perfect night of cuddling on the couch with your guy. But there are also some that you should probably TiVo and then watch alone ... because most guys would absolutely hate them.

Check out our photo gallery of fall TV shows to watch as a couple, and fall TV shows to watch alone!

PHOTO GALLERY:?Fall TV Shows & Your Guy: Watch Or Skip?

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Interview with Jami Nakamura Lin | Rkvry Quarterly Literary Journal

Jami Lin

Alisha Karabinus: I loved reading ?Savasana.? It has so many of the qualities of the nonfiction you usually write that I had to remind myself that it was fiction. How did you decide to switch to fiction? Where did this come from?

Jami Nakamura Lin: This actually stemmed from a couple of pages I found in an old notebook that I wrote in about 2009. I forgot that I wrote it. I found it again while trying to find material for my nonfiction thesis. The idea still seemed intriguing to me, so I ran with it. These days I only write fiction when I get fed up with memoir-y stuff and want to be able to make up worlds, but when I was a kid I wrote stories all the time? these stuffy, elaborate, but really imaginative pieces about girls who lived in the olden days. I think I was pretty influenced by watching my mother?s BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice.


AK: How would you compare the challenges of writing fiction to those of nonfiction? How did you deal with that in this piece?

JNL: Writing fiction is a process of creating more, while writing nonfiction, to me, is a process of cutting back. Writing fiction is difficult because you start with a blank slate? you don?t know where any storyline or narrative thread is headed. But that is also what I?ve found enjoyable about it. Nonfiction is restrictive in the sense that you can?t blindly make things up. You have a bit of leeway in the sense that you can pick and choose what and what not to include, and how to organize it, but you can?t just pull stuff out of nowhere. But that sometimes makes the writing easier, because you have parameters.

I think I struggle with plot in fiction. When I write nonfiction, I know what the ending is, so to speak, because it happened. That was the hardest part with this piece. Where should it end up?


AK: Can you speak a little about how you came to writing? I know you studied psychology in your undergrad, and haven?t been writing seriously for all that long (a fact that makes your skill and talent that much more astounding!)

JNL: When I was little I was an obsessive notebook-keeper. I called myself Harriet, after Harriet the Spy. I started religiously journaling when I was about eight, and now I?m twenty-three, so I have boxes and boxes of journals. I wrote a lot of stories as well. But I never thought I could do it ??for real?. I love kids, and I?m very curious about the mind, so I thought I would be a social worker. However, in my senior year of college, I didn?t get into a psychology class I wanted during the fall semester, and there was a nonfiction class scheduled at the same time, so I thought, ?I love writing, I?ll sign up for that instead.? And I did. And through a lucky chain of events, I had to turn in my essay first, and my professor read it and encouraged me to apply for an MFA. Which sounded so much more rewarding than anything else I was planning on doing right after college.


AK: How was the transition to studying English and writing in graduate school after working in a different discipline in your undergrad, especially with the demands of graduate level study?

JNL: It?s hard because I?m not very well read, and I?ve missed out on a lot of the ?canon? that everyone else takes for granted that we?ve all read and understood. To say nothing of theory! But it?s not too bad. Psychology and creative writing, for me, are quite related. I do both because I always want to know *why*.


AK: Since this story features a lot of yoga, I?ve got to ask: do you practice yoga? If so, what?s your favorite yoga pose?

JNL: I practiced yoga a lot in college, when we had free classes, but not so much anymore! At the time, my favorite pose was child?s pose, because it?s where you go to rest.


AK: Your nonfiction often addresses your struggles with mental illness in terms of brutal, heartbreaking honesty, and some of that turns up here, too. How do you balance connecting with those emotions and struggles, whether your own or someone else?s, and triggering yourself?

JNL: That?s something I always struggle with, especially with writing my memoir. I can get really absorbed in reading old journals. What?s helped is working on multiple pieces at once, and making sure some of them are lighter and not so self-obsessed. Right now, I am sketching out ideas for a steampunk-esque story that takes place on the modern-day prairie. Kind of like if the Industrial Revolution never happened, and we were all still living like Laura Ingalls in 2012. I?ll never do anything with the story, but it?s a nice breather.


AK: I just want to say I love the ending of ?Savasana.? Thank you for taking the time to talk to me about it, Jami!


Alisha Karabinus is co-founder and Executive Editor of Revolution House magazine and an MFA student in Fiction at Purdue University, where she is the Managing Editor of Sycamore Review. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in such publications as the Raleigh Review, PANK, and Per Contra. She lives in Lafayette, Indiana, with her husband and young son.


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Friday, September 7, 2012

Rosamund Pike, Christopher Plummer join "Hector and the Search for Happiness"

LOS ANGELES ( - Rosamund Pike and Christopher Plummer have joined Simon Pegg for director Peter Chelsom's dramedy "Hector and the Search For Happiness," producers Judy Tossell and Christine Haebler announced Thursday in Toronto.

Adapted for the screen from the bestselling novel of the same name by Fran?ois Lelord, the film is a German/Canadian co-production from Egoli Tossell Film and Screen Siren Pictures. It is in pre-production and set to begin shooting in January, 2013.

The Solution Entertainment Group is handling international rights to the film and will be selling it to buyers in Toronto. United Talent Agency is representing U.S. rights.

Wild Bunch Germany is co-producing and distributing in German-speaking Europe. Entertainment One have acquired all rights for Canada.

In the film, Simon Pegg plays Hector, an eccentric yet irresistible London psychiatrist in a crisis. He's going nowhere, and his patients are just not getting any happier. Then one day, Hector breaks out of his sheltered vacuum of a life into a global quest to find out if happiness exists.

Pike, who shot to fame in 2002 as a Bond Girl, has been cast as Hector's girlfriend. Plummer will appear as a UCLA professor who is a leading guru for Happiness Studies. Plummer's 60-year acting career includes many hits on stage, in movies and on TV, plus an Oscar for best supporting actor at age 82.


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Live From Amazon?s 2012 Event: Fire It Up!

amazonleadFrom outside a massive hanger in Los Angeles, California, grown men and women ? members of the press ? just literally ran into the venue for Amazon's special 2012 press event. A next-generation Fire is expected, along with updated Kindle ereaders and a whole lot of content deals. We even caught wind of a new serialized fiction deal just last night, so expect to hear quite a bit.


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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Retirement Income Specialist Kansas City | Annuity Think Tank: Blog

compare annuitiesRegardless of the direction the stock market and interest rates take in the future, it?s important to have a trusted advisor you can count on to give you the news straight and look after your best interests. That trusted advisor can be found at The Alexander Group.


The Alexander Group is a full service insurance agency with licensed agents in Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Iowa. It was?founded by knowledgeable and professional insurance agents. The Alexander Group has quickly established itself throughout the area as a leading distributor of senior market insurance products.?With a combined 40+ years in the insurance business, they are very proud of our dedicated, professional agents and agency managers that work hard for their clients and offer outstanding service.


Their mission is to provide honest and valuable information regarding insurance issues that affect senior and retirees. And to only represent top rated companies and make educated and informed recommendations to our clients while providing the best possible service. They have?taught thousands of people how to protect and preserve their assets, increase their retirement income and reduce their taxes.


Their areas of expertise include retirement planning, 401(k) rollovers, tax efficient investing, and asset preservation. They believe that successful investing is defined by helping investors determine and meet their investment objectives and truly give an unbiased opinion based on their particular situation.


You can contact them by clicking on their website below:


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Now don't you feel silly for believing commonly accepted theory?

People can be obese yet physically healthy and fit and at no greater risk of heart disease or cancer than normal weight people, say researchers.

Looking at data from over 43,000 US people they found that being overweight per se did not pose a big health risk.

The results are published in the European Heart Journal.

In the study at the University of South Carolina, more than a third of the participants were obese.

Of these 18,500, half were assessed as metabolically healthy after a physical examination and lab tests.

This subset of metabolically healthy obese people who did not suffer from conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, were generally fitter and exercised more than the other obese people.

And their risk of developing or dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer was identical to people of ideal weight and was half that of "metabolically less fit" obese people.

Lead researcher Dr Francisco Ortega, who currently works at the University of Granada in Spain, said the findings show that getting more exercise can keep you healthier, even if you still carry a bit of extra weight.

"This research highlights once again the important role of physical fitness as a health marker."

Most of the men and women in the study came from a similar background, meaning the results may not apply to everyone. They were mostly Caucasian, well educated, and worked in executive or professional positions.

Amy Thompson, of the British Heart Foundation, said: "In the majority of cases, obesity is an undeniable risk factor for developing coronary heart disease. However, these studies remind us that it is not always your weight that's important, but where you carry fat and also how it affects your health and fitness.

"It is particularly important to be aware of your weight if you are carrying excess fat around your middle. The fat cells here are really active, producing toxic substances that cause damage which can lead to heart disease.

"Maintaining a healthy diet with lots of physical activity can help to slim you down as well as reduce your risk of heart health problems.

"But don't get too caught up on the numbers on the scale. Calculating your body mass index and measuring your waist are great ways to keep on track. If you are concerned about your weight and want to make changes to your lifestyle, make an appointment with your GP to talk it through."


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Dalbello Sports Scorpion SF 110 Ski Boot - Men's

Bad binding, evil company

So despite the fact that these bindings are sloppy, heavy and ridiculously expensive, they are controlling the market of free pivot bindings. Switchbacks, Ascents, and maybe soon, Axls, will be manufactured under the license of Black Diamond. BD has the patent and they're flexin' nuts to get ahold of 22 Designs' share in the uphill function market.Get your Axl's while you can! They're the same price and way better, plus you're supporting a great company that's essentially two guys from a small South Eastern Idaho town called Driggs. They are great guys, who make a great binding.So buy quality bindings from quality homies, and stick it to a mega-company who makes crap bindings. Go for Hammerheads!I understand if this seems biased, but if you try Hammerheads, you will experience a whole new level in your skiing abilities. The performance of the Hammerhead and Axl surpasses the 01 by leaps and bounds.Your boots will have less lateral movement, and a more active flex, (meaning it is harder to pull your heel up) if you get Hammerheads.So if you ignore my words of wisdom, and get 01's, just make sure you get a backcountry repair kit, too. 01's will fail, and most likely, it will happen at the most inopportune moment.Even if I didn't hate BD for dicking over 22 Designs, I still would not recommend their bindings.Hammerheads, all the way!


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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The web styles are usually improved nicely along with technology

eri1ubp1ha Posted by eri1ubp1ha on 1 day ago

The internet styles are usually improved properly along with technologies.

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Therefore, the actual Search engine optimization agency will certainly broadly speaking manage the procedure associated with url development to your particular web page as a result of devices including blog website scores, directory site distribution as well as written piece syndication. This gives an individual having a substantial benefit of web-sites and could also even further happen to be able to utilizing superb directory website organizations including Google web directories, Google, BING and much more. Keenly browse the system package deal recommended from your Seo company makes certain that meaningful services and products has to be an effective purchase. An effective Search engine optimization agency should have beneficial revealing methods to often pick up the suggestions within the consumer in the process, including details from the location inside the website. Once a month position reviews are excellent for people, as well as every week checking within the website hits and also workout. The costs billed by using a Seo business really should end up being based upon just how extreme the particular search engine terms are usually.

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Planning Your DIY Project ? Home Improvements

Budgeting for home improvement is always difficult as there are many different factors that could nullify your carefully laid out plans. From cutting a piece of wood slightly too short to running out of nails or screws, it can sometimes be rectified easily, but other times it can end up causing a great deal of stress and expense.

If you stick to a few rules for all of your DIY projects you can help yourself come in on budget and end up with great results.

Plan For Success

Making sure that you take everything into account is the first step to making sure your project will go off without a hitch. You don?t have to create a blue print for a set of shelves, but thinking through exactly what you are going to do will help you greatly. Simple things can be missed out and cause hassle which can be easily avoided. If you fasten something together, will it stop you from getting to another screw or cut?

Simply thinking through what you are going to do beforehand can help you with the steps involved and give you a better understanding of what it is you will have to do.

Get Exactly What You Need

?And then some. Allocating for slip ups is a good idea, especially if you are getting materials which are harder to come by or need to be ordered. If you need 15 screws, get 20. If you need wood 300mm long, get it over the length and cut down. It is better to have too much than too little. With this, make sure you take this into account when you are figuring out the cost. You may not think you will need extra, but those extra bits can come in handy. For example, if you have spare pieces of wood, you can use them to protect other pieces whilst clamping and drilling or use the off cuts to sample finishes.

Measure Twice, Cut Once

This is an old and trusted piece of advice, but it is always relevant. Double checking your measurements and plans can make sure that your DIY plans will go smoother. If something doesn?t look or feel right, it probably isn?t, so make sure and make sure again before that critical cut. It may seem like you spend more time planning than actually working, but this should be seen as a good thing to ensure you get quality work.

Give Yourself Enough Money

If you start something and get into it, you will want to make sure you finish it. If you get caught out financially it can shelf a project and you may never return to it. There are plenty of anecdotes about people?s half finished kitchens and bathrooms, but before you start a project make sure you have the money to finish it off. If you don?t have enough near the end of a project you can always get help to finish it from your bank, or by using a payday loan lender to give you a quick cash boost whilst you are in the swing of things.

Of course, even with all of this in mind, you should only do what you are confident doing. If you are unsure about your skills, try getting a friend to help, this will point out any problems you might not have seen and give you a bit more motivation to go through with it.


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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is White House Backing Down from ... - Yeshiva World News

According to a Yediot Achronot report, the White House has sent messages to Iran via two European nations that for as long as Tehran refrains from attacking American bases in the Persian Gulf, the USA will not become involved in an Israeli military strike in Iran. The report states the White House?s indirect message was sent to Iran in the hope of persuading Tehran to stay clear of American bases and naval vessels in the region.

According to a New York Times report, US President Barak Obama is working to prevent Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from launching an attack against Iran and he is taking measures to make such a move more difficult.

On the other side, Israel continues to push the American to release a statement telling Iran that if it crosses a red line, America will act, but the White House seem uninterested in such an ultimatum at present, with elections on the horizon. This may be one of the reasons Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced he plans to attend the UN General Assembly, to meet with the US president and elicit such a US commitment at the international forum.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Monday that ?There is absolutely no daylight between the United States and Israel when it comes to preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.?

In Israel, the military continues training exercises and the Homefront Command is preparing for unprecedented scenarios, many surrounding the existential threat from Iran.

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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Discover Your Path to Results ? Element 3 - viveSF

If you have read this far, we each know you are critical about succeeding, acquiring the most out of life, and attaining your targets. Now, how do you keep the fire burning during lifes everyday struggle? Its simple really, but will call for the patience to take each and every task into consideration, with out undertaking every thing at after. You will get the urge to make up for lost time. You now want to jump ahead at light speed. If you already read Parts One and Two of this series, you are way ahead of the pack. So a lot of folks sit about and dream, doubt, or just speak, but really handful of take action and then stick with it. The next step is to get a coach. You are now thinking, coaches are expensive and you are correct, but you dont have to spend much. Heres how it works: Appear for the most positive individual you can find, see, or hear, around you. This person is full of positive energy, and all you have to do is listen. You can be selective about advice, but comprehend that good power is contagious, and you will walk away from conversations with good energy, as well. On the other hand, keep away from negative talk it is also contagious. Are you in need of far more positive energy? No dilemma ? read articles like this, read self-improvement books, or listen to inspirational audio books, to instill good energy within you. You cant lose with a steady dose of positive energy to carry you through the day. clicking here clicking here So how do you separate great data from negative? Exactly where do you begin, and what, or who, would you listen to very first? In the last, and final article of this series, I promise to reveal some excellent resources, but for now, its a good idea to achieve good energy by selecting sources that you find interesting. If I lead you to a classic self-improvement book, you may well uncover it boring. Even so, if you begin to read some thing and cant place it down, you are getting positive power and you are enjoying it. Do yourself a favor, and get a self-improvement source today. You dont have to implement all of the assistance you read ? just take what fits into your lifestyle. Now, lets look at visualization. This is an very potent treasure, and all of us have the capability to visualize. Ever since the 1st human had a fantasy, and it came to pass, the power of visualization has built whole civilizations. Think about what you want, close your eyes, envision it, and see that you have accomplished it. This is only an physical exercise, but it is an workout toward success. Never confuse visualization with pipe dreams. Visualization is an exercise to cultivate positive energy, move forward, and achieve objectives. The hidden treasures you discovered today are patience, the capability to understand, and visualization. Once again, you already had them, but patience will call for a tiny added function, as it does for all of us. going here


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Mission 'nearly impossible': Syria envoy downbeat

By NBC News wire services

Diplomatic attempts to end the conflict in Syria are "nearly impossible" and not enough is being done to end the fighting, the new U.N. and Arab League mediator Lakhdar Brahimi said in an interview broadcast on Monday.

"I know how difficult it is -- how nearly impossible. I can't say impossible -- nearly impossible," Brahimi, an Algerian diplomat, told the BBC. "And we are not doing much. That in itself is a terrible weight."

David Karp / AP

Lakhdar Brahimi, newly-appointed Joint Special Representative of the United Nations and the League of Arab States for Syria, arrives at a meeting at United Nations headquarters in New York City on Friday.

Brahimi replaced Kofi Annan as the United Nations and Arab League joint special representative on Syria at the end of August. Annan stepped down after blaming "finger-pointing and name-calling" at the U.N. Security Council for hampering efforts to find a breakthrough in the conflict.

Around 20,000 people have been killed during a 17-month uprising against Syria's President Bashar Assad.

Brahimi said he was "scared of the weight of responsibility" on his shoulders and was aware that not enough is being done to end the violence through diplomacy.

"People are already saying 'People are dying and what are you doing?' And we are not doing much. That in itself is a terrible weight," he told the BBC.?

Rebels hit Syrian army headquarters in Damascus

Brahimi said he felt like he was "standing in front of a brick wall", looking for cracks that may yield a solution.?

President Bashar Assad spoke to a pro-government Syrian TV station Wednesday and said the situation is "better" , but his troops need more time to "win the battle". ITV's John Ray reports.

"I'm coming into this job with my eyes open, and (with) no illusions," he said.?

China against ?safe zone?
Meanwhile, in an indication of what Brahimi is up against, China's top newspaper said that a Turkish proposal for a Syrian "safe zone" under foreign protection for civilians fleeing intensifying violence there would not help resolve the worsening humanitarian crisis in the country.?

The battle for Aleppo: My 18 days with the Syrian rebels

China has repeatedly condemned any plan which hints at outside interference in the Syrian crisis or proposes "regime change." Both China and Russia have vetoed proposed U.N. Security Council resolutions intended to put pressure on Assad.?

Turkey fears a mass influx of refugees similar to the flight of half a million Iraqi Kurds into Turkey after the 1991 Gulf War.?

But the People's Daily, the mouthpiece of China's ruling Communist Party, said safe zones would not work.?

"The contributions of countries which neighbor Syria to appropriately looking after refugees deserves support, and it is understandable they are coming up with ideas to lessen the pressure on themselves," it wrote.?

"But setting up 'safe zones' in Syria is not a good policy. As UNHCR chief Ant?nio Guterres has clearly stated, the lessons from history show so-called 'safe zones' can provide next to no real protection for refugees."?

Rebels claimed they shot down a Syrian government helicopter that crashed during fighting in the country's capital. NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin reports.

France has supported Turkey's call for a safe zone and pressure for action has increased after the U.N. refugee agency said last month that Syria's exodus was accelerating.?

Assad stays cool amid reported slaughter on the bread lines

Up to 200,000 people could settle in Turkey if the conflict worsens, according to the UNHCR.?

Credible protection for "liberated" areas would require no-fly zones patrolled by foreign aircraft, but there is no chance of securing a U.N. Security Council mandate for such action, given opposition from veto-wielding members Russia and China.?

The People's Daily said any efforts to help alleviate the problem must respect Syria's sovereignty and independence.?

"Humanitarianism must not be politicized and nor should it be militarized," it wrote.?

Reuters contributed to this report.

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