Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pirlo puts in crafty performance against Germany


Associated Press

Associated Press Sports

updated 9:48 p.m. ET June 28, 2012

WARSAW, Poland (AP) -Andrea Pirlo twirled around defenders effortlessly, and even cleared a ball off the line. On both sides of the field, it was Pirlo that provided the inspiration.

The Italy playmaker didn't score, but he still helped Italy beat Germany 2-1 Thursday in the European Championship semifinals and set up a match against Spain on Sunday in Kiev.

Although he was named man of the match, Pirlo preferred to credit his teammates.

"The team was fantastic," Pirlo said. "We had a great win against a terrific side. We really hope to win the final and put in a terrific display in Kiev."

For the 33-year-old Pirlo, it was the second straight match for which he won plaudits for his incisive passing and flair in midfield. He controlled the pace against Germany and in the quarterfinals against England on Sunday. He sealed that performance with a superb chip in the penalty shootout.

On Thursday, it was Pirlo's defending that was needed early on in the match. He was glued to the goal line when Germany center back Mats Hummels' header seemed to be heading in. The ball hit Pirlo square in the chest and he cleared it off the line for Italy.

It was a crucial intervention, because the Germans had the better chances in the opening stages and going down a goal would have been a huge setback for the Italians.

Pirlo then commanded the tempo of the match, winning midfield duels and impressing the crowd at the National Stadium. A big cheer went up when Pirlo evaded a marker in the center circle with a backheel flick and then spun around to collect the ball again.

Most midfielders are already in decline at Pirlo's age, but the Italian appears to still be in his prime. He led Juventus to an undefeated Serie A season and the Italian title last month, a year after AC Milan gave up on him. He is among just four remaining members of the squad that won the 2006 World Cup.

"I've always given my best," Pirlo said. "Now that we're here in this final we've got to enjoy this to the fullest. But I'm not celebrating too much yet, because we still haven't done anything.

"We want to return home with the cup."

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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This 1400-Word Craigslist Ad For Used Golf - Business Insider

Marc T. Lewis

Marc T. Lewis' "naked and flaccid" golf clubs?$200.

It begins: "These clubs have been with me since high school, forty pounds ago, when the world was my oyster, ..."

And your reaction is, Oh boy, this guy is overdoing it.

But by the time you're done reading Marc T. Lewis' 1,383-word Craigslist ad for his old golf clubs?he wants $200?there might just be a tear in your eye.

It is the most passionate, overwrought, honest and funny ad for gold clubs you will ever read.

"These clubs are a piece of American history because they have seen a piece of America."

Hmm. OK. But give it a chance:

"I bought these clubs before I met the girl who would become my wife. I met her eleven years ago when I was sixteen and had a stomach that no one who knows me now would believe, ripped like a little Rambo. I had these clubs when I was a young bachelor, hair down to my shoulders, tearing up the town in a 1990 Volvo 740 SEL with the sunroof open and the road before me like some great American Dream ready to be snatched, the way candy is from a baby, or a kiss from an easy and drunk woman. These clubs moved from the Volvo to the 1980 midnight blue Chevy Camaro Berlinetta, a thing unlike any other thing, and they watched me fall in love with my wife, a woman who has mastered both looking perfect and a number of delicious casseroles. (She's heartbreakingly beautiful and comforted me each time these golf clubs kicked me in the crotch.)"

Lewis is a bit of writer, and lives in Raleigh, N.C. He works in advertising and PR, according to his Twitter account.

Read his rage against the dying of the light?or at least his putting game? here.



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Jennifer Weiner on Social Media, Blogging & Writing About ...

Women?s fiction writer Jennifer Weiner always seems to have a story to share. She has wielded her pen to write ten books, speak out about gender balance in The New York Times? fiction coverage and live-tweet episodes of The Bachelor.

Drawing from the experiences of?working as the executive producer/screenwriter on the ABC Family TV show State of Georgia, Weiner (pictured) presents her latest novel The Next Best Thing. It features dramatic characters, a Hollywood dream and an inside look into the?Los Angeles show business culture.

We caught up with Weiner to pick her brain for social media tips, advice on connecting with readers on her blog and how to write about controversial issues.?The highlights follow below?

Q: Do you have any tips on how writers can use social media to connect with readers?
A: (1) Be yourself. I know that sounds trite, but that?s really the only thing I can tell you that will help. Don?t try to sound like Colson Whitehead or Neil Gaiman or Judy Blume; just be yourself.
(2) Talk to readers! Thank them for reading your books, re-tweet observations they make.
(3) Make connections. One of the joys of social media has been that it?s given me ?people? again ? a virtual water cooler where I can hang out and discuss The Bachelor, or the book I can?t wait to read this fall (Jami Attenberg?s The Middlesteins, in case you were wondering).
(4) Pay attention. Look at the authors who are doing it well, and figure out what?s making it work. How often do they tweet? What?s it about?
(5) Finally, give. Give recommendations, tell jokes, talk about a great new restaurant you found or recipe you tried.

Q: How should authors use their blogs? Is it all about promoting the book? Where do you draw the line on sharing personal life details?
A: Obviously, there?s a promotional element to any kind of social-media presence an author has but it should NEVER be just, ?Hi! It?s me! Buy my book!? You have to give people something of value, whether it?s your funny take on reality TV, or recipes, or stories about your life, or your family vacation, or your garden whatever. If all you?re doing is shilling, not only will you not sell your book, you will actually and actively drive readers away.

I?m really lucky. Before I was a novelist, I was a journalist. I loved writing every day, and I loved the immediacy of the interaction that newspapers provided. When you had something to say, you could say it in the paper, the very next day, whereas with novels, any smart observations had to wait until the next book came out. Social media gives me that immediacy, that chance to talk to people again, and comment on the issues of the day when they happen, not weeks or months or years later.

That being said, every writer has to decide for herself where the line is about her personal life. I have very consciously decided that there are just places I won?t go: no pictures of my kids or my house, no talk about my personal life. I?ll tell the occasional anecdote about one of my daughters, or my incredibly cute and unbelievably gassy dog Moochie, but that?s it. I don?t check in on Foursquare, I don?t tweet about pouring my morning coffee, and I don?t post pictures of my kids holding copies of my books.

For me, what feels best is talking about what I?m watching, and what I?m reading. I love reading a great book ? Liz Moore?s Heft and Jillian Medoff?s I Couldn?t Love You More or Sarah Pekkanen?s These Girls ? and then using social media to tell the world about them. Every writer has to find what feels best for her, then go with it and if all of social media feels awful, then just stay away (even if your publisher tells you that you need to). Readers can smell insincerity and obligation. They know when you?re just tweeting because your editor told you to tweet. Better silence than that kind of forced engagement.

Q: You tackle a lot of controversial subjects in your novels from society?s views on female obesity to philandering politicians to female fertility/childbearing in the 21st century; what?s the best way to tackle a controversial subject when writing your stories?
A: I don?t want to write message books, where readers come away feeling like they?ve spent four hundred pages being whomped over the head with my beliefs. But I want to write stories that engage with the way we live now, which means a certain amount of topicality. My advice is, characters first, issues second. If you?ve built a hero or a heroine who is interesting enough for readers to want to spend hours in his or her company, then you can have your protagonist dealing with the issue of the day but if you start with the issue, and then turn to your character, you?ll end up with a preachy ? and, probably boring ? book.

Q: You also tackle a lot of controversial subjects in real life. Can you talk about your experiences in trying to speak out about gender balance in The New York Times fiction review coverage?
A: It?s funny ? part of me wishes I was wired differently; that I could notice unfairness and imbalance and just think, ?Hey, people buy my books, what do I care? Why should I care what people call them, why does it matter that the New York Times ignores them? I got mines!?

But that?s not the way I?m built. Some of it?s my childhood, and my parents, who came of age in the sixties and were going to change the world, via the power of Pete Seeger folk songs and Free to Be You and Me. Some of it?s what the brilliant Laura Zigman calls ?hurt writer-feelings.? Writers are sensitive types, and being neglected by the paper you grew up reading is a hard thing to ignore.

Some of the response is predictably silly ? there are people who believe that once you?re on the bestseller list you?ve forfeited your right to complain about anything, or even point out when things are unfair. Some of it is really painful, like when a quote-unquote ?literary? lady writer says that the only reason I care about the issue of who the Times reviews and profiles, and how frequently, and in which section, is because of the way they?ve treated me (which, of course, is absurd ? if all I cared about was getting a Times review for myself, wouldn?t I spend all my time praising the paper, instead of pointing out what it does wrong?)

But it?s like Gandhi said. ?First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.? I think that women who?ve spoken out about issues of gender equity at places like the Times and NPR have been ignored. God knows we?ve been belittled. I think now we?re in the fighting stage. I hope that, someday, we?ll win. I hope that if either of my daughters is a writer, she won?t have to jump through an extra, female-specific set of hoops to prove that what she?s written is worthy of serious consideration, even if ? especially if ? it deals with romance, and friendship, and family, and maybe even shoes.

Q: TV scripts and women?s fiction novels seem like two different animals; how did working in television writing influence your novel writing? And vice versa?
A: Before I was a novelist, I was a journalist. I spent ten years in newsrooms, so, in many ways, being in a writers? room in LA felt like coming home. Spending eight months in Hollywood getting a show up and running ? and then watching it go down hard ? was a rough experience, but it gave me great stories to tell (true story: I had to cast a goat. Turns out, in Hollywood, goats have head shots. And reels.) And I think that all my years as a novelist gave me a strong sense of voice and character, of how to use words on a page to bring someone to life.

Q: What?s next for you?
A: Another good question! Right now I?m gearing up for the ?Cupcakes Across America? tour and wondering which guy Emily on The Bachelorette is going to wind up with.


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Friday, June 29, 2012

England's out, so go Italy!

England's out, so I'm going for Italy ? but hey, I'll be a dual-citizen in 3 months

Image: Buffon, LahmAFP - Getty Images

Italian goalkeeper and captain Gianluigi Buffon, left, and?German defender and captain Philipp Lahm.


updated 9:23 a.m. ET June 28, 2012

Jelisa Castrodale

"Gerrard," the barista said, pushing an oversized iced coffee toward the corner of the counter.

"Gerrard?" she asked again. "Gerrard? Or Gerald? Is it Gerald?" It sat unclaimed as cappuccinos and half-caffs came and went. "Hey, you," she said, nodding when I finally looked up. "Your coffee is thawing."

It was the name on my shirt. Gerrard. My No. 4 England home jersey, still wrinkled from being balled up and thrown across the coffee table on Sunday afternoon and still unfamiliar, despite the ongoing Euro 2012.

"Don't you know who Steven Gerrard is?" I wanted to ask, ranting about his passing, his delivery and his accuracy. "And why aren't you watching Spain-Portugal," I'd say, shoving my live-streaming iPad toward the flavored syrups. Instead, I mumbled a 'thank you' before promptly tie-dying all three embroidered Lions with a stream of spilled coffee.

I've spent the past two weeks immersed in Euro 2012, rearranging my afternoons around the group stages, reading oversized tabloid headlines and wondering when Mario Balotelli will do something that results in a homemade t-shirt and/or a detour to a women's' prison.

As a Liverpool supporter, England has always been 'my' national team, even though I have zero in common with the Three Lions other than a shared respect for Gerrard, a habit of being consistently disappointing and a willingness to fight someone over a Phil Collins song.

So Sunday's quarterfinal loss to Italy is just another penalty kick-in-the-teeth that will be etched into my ? our ? collective memories, a banner hoisted into the rafters beside 1990, 1996, 1998, 2004 and 2006, the retired numbers of shame. England spent 120 minutes on their heels, making the kind of hesitant, halting passes I haven't seen since prom night.

Despite controlling the pace of the game and the ball possession ? a lopsided 68 percent ? Italy didn't capitalize until Andrea Pirlo's gloriously cocky Panenka penalty kick gently shattered England's psyche, a move so perfectly douchey, he should've just popped his collar and broken up with Molly Ringwald on the way to midfield. It also served its purpose, making Ashley Cole look like Ashley Young and Ashley Young look like Ashley Olson.

That kick, and the two that followed, ended England's Euro vacation and they don't have anything on their national team calendar until, um, John Terry's racism trial. I should be doubled over in disappointment. And I was. I am. But it doesn't feel like my pain.

As much as I align myself with the team, and as many post-loss managerial excuses and sackings I've suffered through, I feel disconnected by both heritage and history. Even the songs feel wrong. I can't yell "I know I am, I'm sure I am" without feeling like I'm mouthing the words to a hymn I don't believe in.

Maybe Italy will be different.

I don't advocate changing colors, especially to the team that just Pirlo'ed all over your upholstery. It feels as uncomfortable as wedging your incisors into someone else's retainer: wrong, unfamiliar, awkward. But after more than a year of paperwork and Google Translate-ing, of apostilles and certified long form birth certificates, I'm three months from becoming an Italian citizen.

I qualify for dual citizenship jure sanguinis ? right of blood ? through my father's family. So after phone calls to long-forgotten halls of records and middle-of-the-night faxes (Thank you, 1990!) I'll check into the Italian Consulate and will walk out with a shiny second passport, like Jason Bourne if he were less lethal and more likely to trip over something in the lobby.

Will Italy feel more like 'my' team after I have a laminated picture and a validated parking ticket? I don't know, although my dad's hair alone should've given him a spot on the reserves.? Football wasn't in the front of my brain when I started this process; it was a way to connect with family I've never known and never will, from my Renaissance painter relative to my great-grandfather to those distant cousins wedged intermittently between the Dolomites.

I don't know if my grandfather, an American citizen, was a soccer fan. The dates on my birth certificate and his death certificate are unsettlingly close together, so we never had the chance to talk about it. My memories of him are limited to his mustache, his dog and one Thanksgiving that has been faded by my mind's own Instagram filter. He shared his name with my dad. And he'll share his heritage with me.

Today I'll slowly try out my new almost-allegiance, as Juventus teammates (and 2006 World Cup winners) Pirlo and Captain Keeper Gigi Buffon try to play the umlauts off of Mesut ?zil and the rest of Joachim L?w's Germans.

Although their last meeting was a 1-1 draw, Gli Azzuri are I Perdenti ? the underdogs. Despite Pirlo's maddeningly accurate passes and the team's 36 combined shots against England, they won't have those kind of opportunities against Germany, who won't spend ninety minutes double-billing their defense as their offense.

Buffon has an 85.7 percent save percentage but he's only faced 23 shots on goal in four games; Germany has taken 33 shots on goal, scoring a Euro-leading nine times. Italy has managed four goals, netting half of them against an Ireland team that was weaker than a U2 B-side.

Germany has had an extra 48 hours to rest, recover and prepare. They know what Pirlo, what Mario Balotelli, and what Antonio Cassano are capable of (as opposed to Roy Hodgson, who seriously expected Chia Head Rooney to keep pressure on Pirlo).

I'll be watching, attempting a few tentative cheers for each cross, for each attack, just to see how it feels.

I know that Italy could get by without me.? I'm just not sure it works the other way around.

Jelisa Castrodale has learned a lot about life by making a mess of her own. Read more at, follow her on twitter at!/gordonshumway, or contact her at



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Facebook Adds BBC As Latest Partner For Summer Sports Push With A New Streaming App

bbc facebookLast week, Facebook staked out its claim as a prime destination for people looking for this summer's Olympics coverage online. Today, the BBC threw its hat into the social media ring, too -- it's putting its sports coverage into a new Timeline app. The app, which is only accessible by UK users, is in beta form (pictured here) and live already: people can currently access streams of Wimbledon. That will get ramped up in coming weeks for Olympics coverage, when it will offer some of the most comprehensive coverage yet seen on the social network -- 24 streams in all -- and marks the first time that the BBC will stream live events using Facebook. The move comes at a time when the BBC is ramping up its digital activities in long-view bid that this will need to become a much stronger part of its business as more traditional revenue streams continue to decline.


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Amazon Reportedly Readying Launch of 10-Inch, Quad-Core Kindle Fire

Amazon isn't just working on a new Kindle Fire 2; the retail giant is also readying the launch of a 10-inch, quad-core slate.


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Thursday, June 28, 2012

In big Supreme Court cases, it?s all about winning (Powerlineblog)

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Globe-trotting Clinton reaches 100-country mark

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Multiple Sclerosis Patients Have Lower Risk of Cancer | The East ...

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients appear to have a lower cancer risk, according to a new study led by researchers at the University of British Columbia and Vancouver Coastal Health.

The study, published on-line in the journal Brain, is the first to investigate overall cancer risk in MS patients in North America.

?Because the immune system plays important roles in both cancer and MS, we wanted to know whether the risk of cancer is different for people with MS,? says Elaine Kingwell, the study?s lead author and a postdoctoral fellow in the UBC Faculty of Medicine and Brain Research Centre at UBC and VCH Research Institute. ?Not only did MS patients have a lower overall cancer risk, the risk for colorectal cancer in particular was significantly lower.?

The researchers compared the diagnoses of cancer in MS patients in British Columbia with those of the general population. While they found that MS patients have a lower risk in general for cancer ? and in particular for colorectal cancer ? they found that the risks for brain cancer and bladder cancer were slightly elevated (albeit not significantly). In patients with relapsing-onset MS, the risk for non-melanoma skin cancer was significantly greater.

Further studies will be needed to understand the reasons for this reduced overall cancer risk.

An unexpected finding was that for those who did develop cancer, tumor size tended to be larger at time of diagnosis. More work is needed to determine why some tumors might be caught later in people with MS.

?Because the symptoms of MS can be broad and include feelings of fatigue, it?s possible the symptoms of cancer are being masked or overlooked,? says Helen Tremlett, the study?s senior author and an associate professor in the UBC Faculty of Medicine. She adds that, regardless of the findings, MS patients and their physicians are encouraged to follow cancer screening guidelines. Her team is planning a follow up study to determine whether death rates due to cancer are altered in MS patients.

This study was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, and the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research.

Source: University of British Columbia

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Gunmen storm Pro-Assad Syrian TV channel

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Vancouver's Province pulls animation satirizing Enbridge : Canada's ...

You are here: Home / Media / Vancouver?s Province pulls animation satirizing Enbridge

Posted by admin on June 25, 2012 ? 2 Comments?

Image: Screenshot of Enbridge parody adA BoB short

The Vancouver Province has pulled from its website an animation created by its editorial cartoonist, Dan Murphy, that satirizes Enbridge?s massive ad campaign in support of its Northern Gateway pipeline.

In the original ad, Enbridge claims that the pipeline is ?a path to our future,? while families and fish frolic in sylvan settings to placid music. In the parody (see below), a fictional official comments with increasing distress as the ad is repeatedly interrupted with giant oil splotches.

Wayne Moriarty, The Province?s Editor-in-Chief, says the animation was removed at the request of Enbridge ?because it contains copyrighted material.? He admits that use of the material might be protected under fair use laws, but says the newspaper chose not to pursue the matter. He points out that The Province has run editorials critical of the pipeline, and insists that the decision to pull the satire has nothing to do with the $5 million campaign, which is running in his paper and The Vancouver Sun (both of which are owned by The Pacific Newspaper Group), among many other media outlets.

Moriarty denies a rumour that Murphy has been fired because of the cartoon. Murphy was not available for comment. His cartoon, however, may trump the original yet. The Enbridge ad, posted on its youtube channel, has drawn just 260 views. Murphy?s take, posted on the third-party channel below, has received 632 views ? so far.

- Frank Moher

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U.S. Government Will Spend For Your Debt |

Post by Leslie Tepper

U.S. Government Will Pay For Your Debt ? Finance ? Debt Management

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The US government provide grants for companies, ladies, and students this is an chance for a lot of Americans. This was offered by the president to make mothers, students and business man make possibilities.

Government grants have been helping American households for decades. Government grants are Free sums of money handed out to applicants who have shown that they truly require the money to achieve a thing. Some households use government grants as a cushion to make day-to-day ends meet, spend their kids? tuition, pay their mortgages, and so considerably much more. Government grants will give you the monetary freedom you need to have to live the lifestyle you want.

Government grants aid all Americans, from those with heavy debt, to these who want to start a organization, to those who want extra revenue coming in so they can focus on top quality living, and far more! Government grants are the federal government?s way of reinvesting in the American economic climate. The average American is eligible for up to $ 130,000 in a single government grant, but you can apply for as a lot of as you need. Go ahead, apply for government grants these days! Economic grant can truly come from different sources inside the government branches, like federal, county, state and including city governments. There is no particular limitation to the minimum quantity that an person can in fact avail of and can be awarded to any person to finance a housing want. There is no condition whatsoever that you must be living, say for instance, in a low cost apartment. This indicates to say that even if you are residing in a private property, you still have high chances of getting awarded a housing grant as long as you will adhere to and total all papers required for the application. Far more than ever, a larger number of people these days are looking for monetary grants for housing needs by requesting for US government grants. This tends to make this variety of monetary assistance the most demanding in scope people who seek it these days.

There are several grant applications meant for individuals. These grants can either be education grants to support with school, training grants for job placement assistance, or 1 of several other opportunities.

Stimulus grants are being utilised to pay for a wide range of projects. Stimulus income is being utilised to aid property owners who have fallen behind their monthly payments simply because of the housing crisis.

The grants cover practically all lending fields in order for you to have scholarship, capital for begin up enterprise, finance your wellness care and sometimes private use. Nevertheless, a excellent deal of citizens think that it actually is fairly difficult to obtain government grants but contrary to this you could usually get it when you set out your heart to do it.

You just have to learn how you can effectively apply for them to guarantee that you too can appreciate the advantages that they can supply.

When searching to settle personal credit card debt, a single of the most neglected options lots of individuals has are debt relief government grants. Numerous men and women do not take into account these grants because they merely do not know about them. Even so, the government sets aside gigantic amounts every single year just for this purpose, to give them away. If you?re one particular of the millions of individuals who are enduring credit card debt, you certainly want to think about applying for a grant from the federal government.

Government grants for debt relief are readily available, the essential is acquiring them. If you are seeking for debt relief, you want to fully grasp that there are strategies to get out of this debt and it is up to you to find the aid you need and ought to have. We all get into difficulty now and then with our monetary scenario, nevertheless, if the aid is readily obtainable, why not take complete benefit of it.

Why do these loans make much more sense in terms of credit card debt removal? These grants are far easier to acquire than conventional loans. Conventional loans may well need some form of collateral or security deposit, grants do not call for these because they?re supplied by the government.

Government grants for individuals can do many issues for you. Very first, they can give you with the income you?ll require to remove debt with no possessing to supply security or collateral. Second, these federal grants will save you from getting to file for liquidation. Third, no compensation is needed, a monetary aid, and it can not be subjected to taxes and doesn?t collect any interest. Lastly, it can right away make you debt totally free, which can?t be mentioned about other varieties of debt assist offers.

In common, acquiring a government grant just tends to make sense when you are diving with debt that you can not escape. by Leslie Tepper of charge-cash/

About the Author

And Now, I want to invite you to verify out how you as well can get Free Grants = Free Funds for you, by no means to be paid back. The Resolution to Your Financial Issues Post ?Free Income? at

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright should be integrated.

Leslie Tepper

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And Now, I want to invite you to verify out how you as well can get Cost-free Grants = Free Income for you, by no means to be paid back. The Remedy to Your Monetary Difficulties Post ?Free of charge Money? at

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The New York Times is coming to Flipboard Thursday

The New York Times is coming to Flipboard Thursday

Well, it's hardly the release of a new summer blockbuster, but getting full length content from the New York Times in Flipboard is certainly going to excite news hounds that also appreciate fine UI design. A lot of content from magazines and newspapers is presented in abbreviated format in the slick app, but now Times subscribers will have unfettered access to the "paper of record's" reporting. Even non-subscribers will be able to read some of the publications articles for free, just as they can through the site. Now all you have to do is wait for the switch to be flipped on Thursday and hope that other outlets follow suit.

The New York Times is coming to Flipboard Thursday originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 25 Jun 2012 11:54:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Exercise, even mild physical activity, may reduce breast cancer risk

Monday, June 25, 2012

A new analysis has found that physical activity ? either mild or intense and before or after menopause ? may reduce breast cancer risk, but substantial weight gain may negate these benefits. Published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, the findings indicate that women can reduce their breast cancer risk by exercising and maintaining their weight.

While studies have shown that physical activity reduces breast cancer risk, many questions remain. For example, how often, how long, and how intense does physical activity have to be to provide benefits? Also, do women with all body types experience a reduced risk when they exercise, and does exercise reduce the risk of all types of breast cancer?

To investigate, Lauren McCullough, of the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health in Chapel Hill, and her colleagues looked for a link between recreational physical activity, done at different time points in life, and the risk of developing breast cancer.

The study included 1,504 women with breast cancer (233 noninvasive and 1,271 invasive) and 1,555 women without breast cancer who were 20 to 98 years old and were part of the Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project, an investigation of possible environmental causes of breast cancer.

Women who exercised either during their reproductive or postmenopausal years had a reduced risk of developing breast cancer. Women who exercised 10 to 19 hours per week experienced the greatest benefit with an approximate 30% reduced risk. Risk reductions were observed at all levels of intensity, and exercise seemed to preferentially reduce the risk of hormone receptor positive breast cancer (ER or PR positive), which is the most commonly diagnosed tumor type among American women.

"The observation of a reduced risk of breast cancer for women who engaged in exercise after menopause is particularly encouraging given the late age of onset for breast cancer," said McCullough.

When the researchers looked at the joint effects of physical activity, weight gain, and body size, they found that even active women who gained a significant amount of weight ? particularly after menopause ? had an increased risk of developing breast cancer, indicating that weight gain can eliminate the beneficial effects of exercise on breast cancer risk.



Thanks to Wiley-Blackwell for this article.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Clinically Used Breast Cancer Markers Such as Estrogen Receptor, Progesterone Receptor, and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Are Unstable Throughout Tumor Progression.


Linda Sofie Lindstr?m, Eva Karlsson, Ulla M. Wilking, Johan Hartman, Elisabet Kerstin Lidbrink, Thomas Hatschek, Lambert Skoog, and Jonas Bergh, Cancer Center Karolinska, Radiumhemmet, Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital; Ulla Johansson, Oncologic Center, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm; Eva Karlsson, Karlstad Hospital, Karlstad, Sweden; Jonas Bergh, The Christie Hospital, Manchester University, and Paterson Institute, Manchester, United Kingdom.


PURPOSETo investigate whether hormonal receptors and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) change throughout tumor progression, because this may alter patient management.Patients And methodsThe study cohort included female patients with breast cancer in the Stockholm health care region who relapsed from January 1, 1997, to December 31, 2007. Either biochemical or immunohistochemical (IHC)/immunocytochemical (ICC) methods were used to determine estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and HER2 status, which was then confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization for IHC/ICC 2+ and 3+ status.ResultsER (459 patients), PR (430 patients), and HER2 (104 patients) from both primary tumor and relapse were assessed, revealing a change in 32.4% (McNemar's test P < .001), 40.7% (P < .001), and 14.5% (P = .44) of patients, respectively. Assessment of ER (119 patients), PR (116 patients), and HER2 (32 patients) with multiple (from two to six) consecutive relapses showed an alteration in 33.6%, 32.0%, and 15.7% of patients, respectively. A statistically significant differential overall survival related to intraindividual ER and PR status in primary tumor and relapse (log-rank P < .001) was noted. In addition, women with ER-positive primary tumors that changed to ER-negative tumors had a significant 48% increased risk of death (hazard ratio, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.08 to 2.05) compared with women with stable ER-positive tumors. CONCLUSIONPatients with breast cancer experience altered hormone receptor and HER2 status throughout tumor progression, possibly influenced by adjuvant therapies, which significantly influences survival. Hence, marker investigations at relapse may potentially improve patient management and survival.

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June Gagnon commented on Rose Colombo's blog post CHINA ON THE MOVE! Did the Clinton's & Obama Help Grow China's Economy: Up by 9.2% vs. U.S. Economy down to 1.7%

???? China on the Move!?? I blogged "China on the Move!" on Townhall on July 29, 2008.? And, now, China is moving ahead thanks to U.S. President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton with the blessings of the former congressional?members, especially members,?who support socialists agendas.? According to Larry Edelson, the globalists set a goal that Communist China will supersede the economic status of the world and end the?economic status of America by the year 2016!? About 1993, I?felt that the Clinton's weren't on track with middle America as they were closly tied to Communist China and Russia.? I created and produced a talk radio show titled, Issues of the Day, and warned?America that they may have to?slay the dragon [Communist China] which was heard on?syndicated radio produced at?KIEV - the home of the dynamic George Putnam - who passed away.?

??????In 1993, I had an epiphany and became more concerned about the injustices recurring silently in America's courts.? So, I aired a radio show at a time when talk show hosts?didn't discuss stories which were?wrongfully promoted as conspiracy theories.??I invited a?special guest, who confirmed my beliefs and he?predicted that China?and Russia and the Middle East would come against America after the year 2000. ?I was very concerned that China quietly built up a?one million man army and?that the Clinton administration was selling arms to?Communist China and Russia.? But, this didn't seem to disturb the majority of the American people, who didn't want to hear the truth, perhaps out of fear.? Americans for the most part?ignored the warnings of the patriots.? The?information presented by patriots?didn't? reflect the American way of life.? But, after the elections of 2008, millions of Americans began to awaken and?the Obama administration changed the mind set of?Americans who began believing that?there were some rats in the attic.???

????Unfortunately,?Americans weren't disturbed that?President Bill Clinton sold arms to Communist China and simultaneously?cut the U.S. Military Budget substantially.? He?slashed the Military Defense Budget to the surprise of the Military and the American people.??Many military employees lost their homes, but as Clinton stated after taking office,?"The American people must?sacrifice!"? Well, he wasn't willing to sacrifice when he?fled to Russia as a draft dodger.??Unfortunately, the American people and the media discredited the book and the taped documentary, The Clinton Chronicles, published?by "Patrick Matricisiana.?The reason [just an FYI:?if you put the letter?"t" before the word "reason" - it becomes "treason"]?that?American citizens didn't?pay much attention is the simple fact that?the media?didn't really want to touch those stories in my opinion.??At the time, most of us?were in la la land and didn't realize that we'd been?brainwashed into believing it's a?material? world and it's all about "me!"? Many of us?bought into it, at least temporarily, others still believe it!? Americans?were intentionally led to believe that?the government was looking out for the best interest of the U.S. and?U.S. citizens, but that was far from the truth.?

? Although, there has always been a nazi type mentality of citizens, who didn't let the nazi?mentality die? after WWII, they?went about their business unnoticed quietly indoctrinating people for decades until it spread like a cancer. Today, we have 80 card carrying Socialists in Congress and one known Communist lobbyist accessing the White House and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization who reportedly?had ties to Hitler during WWII.? The secret socialists and secret anti-Americans?continued to spread their anti-American views through the courts, schools,?churches, and universities, without anyone paying much attention to their new agendas.? They wrote new laws?under the guise of women's rights and charitable acts or?"for the protection of?the people" as they moved "forward," so Americans wouldn't object, but in fact, support their goals.? Also, Americans didn't feel they had any reason to question the public schools who were slowly introducing a more liberal educational system.??The socialists cleverly,?slowly, and ?quietly, turned good into evil and evil into good,?infiltrating the minds of the youth?without a cure today - 2012 -on how to restore conservative teachings.? In 2008 and thereafter, we've seen?kids?supporting socialists agendas, but as more people are awakened, they are realizing that the politically correct?liberal agendas?enslave a nation.?

???? About July 29, 2008,?my Blog?"China on the Move" created an unexpected?stir of controversy, even anger, by mainly liberals and Rinos.??Many readers?at the time defended Obama?with their very being.? They truly believe Obama to be a?U.S. Natural Born Citizen based on? his published on-line publication of the blacked out?on-line Certificate of Live Birth.??One of the opposing persons, who called him or herself?Tinsldr 2, commented on my blog dated 11/5/2008, stating, "to continually say that he [Obama] has not proven his citizenship and is?not going to be the next President is foolish in the extreme.? It makes you sound loonier than those who claim Bush stole the 2000 elections and those that claim 911 was an inside job of the Bush administration oil when you start going down those roads."? I wonder if Tinsldr2 still has the same opinion of Obama and the road on which Obama has led Americans for the past 3 1/2 years.?Even today, there are millions of Obama supporters as well as supporters of?Bill and Hillary Clinton who? approve of their socialist and global agendas.?

???? There are millions of Americans who should ask if the Clinton's and Obama's?sold out America and the American people when they outsourced U.S. technology, jobs, and manufacturing, and attempted to nationalize health care.? President Bill Clinton?signed NAFTA and opened up the borders devastating our sovereignty.?He?tried to lease?the Long Beach Port to the Communist Chinese, but Anthony J. Hilder led a protest in Washington D.C. and prevented the lease.??Bill Clinton?opened?up the Long Beach Port to the Communist Chinese and helped Hillary Clinton, who was a member of??the Walmart Board of Directors for six years, while a?partner?of? the Rose Law Firm working?to import consumer products made in China formerly made inthe USA. It appears quite convenient that?President?Bill Clinton implemented 'outsourcing" as well as opening the Long Beach Port all about the same time that Walmart was ready to cast off.??The Rose Law Firm represented?Walmart.? So,?as a?joint effort their actions?created?easy access for Communist China to import consumer products into the U.S.A.? COSCO is a communist owned corporation.? By these actions, th?Clinton's were the catalysts who caused the loss of U.S. manufacturing and U.S. jobs for millions of Americans?and this obviously would help build up?the economic status of Communist China.?There's no doubt that the Clinton's and the Obama's?worked diligently on making Communist China a economic powerhouse.??

???? In fact, it appears that millions of Americans could care less that?Hillary Clinton has been working with Obama and Feinstein, Holder, and Schumer, for decades in support of the?U.N.'s Small Arms Treaty with the intent of disarming Americans.? Hillary and Feinstin support the?U.N.'s Rights of the Child that deny parental rights to Americans.? Obama is propped up by the Clintons, but in reality, he's carrying on the same agendas as the Clinton's, which?reflect not the U.S. Constitution, but the U.N., E.U., NATO, U.N., and Globalists also known as the New World Order.? In fact,?Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, stated at a congressional hearing?that "we" [Obama and?Panetta] seek international permission to take action!?

?????????About June 2011, I had the pleasure of visiting Washington?D.C. and meeting with my Congressman. I told my Congressman that America doesn't owe?anything to Communist China!??I stated that Communist China owes America!? They should wipe the slate clean!?I said that we?should close the Long Beach Port or charge?China tariffs before importing?consumer products formerly made in the?USA that hurt America's economy and the job market in America.? I stated that we should withhold imports if they threaten to take over our soil as collateral for the loans owed to China.??After all, the?U.N. and foreign nations are?conspiring to reduce the manufacturing businesses in America and bring Americans to their knees.

???? The American people should demand that Congress take immediate action and determine how much money does?Communist China?owe to ?America for the use of ?U.S. technology, innovation, manufacturing, and jobs that Clinton outsourced?without any reciprocation on their part to repay America!? And Congress should enforce the tariffs.? For example, if??corporations want?secret technology from an inventor or another corporation, they must pay for it, but the Clinton's gave?U.S. jobs and technology to Communist China without?an agreement to repay America for helping build up their economic status.??Under which constitutional authority did President Clinton outsource U.S. technology, manufacturing, and jobs, and how is that not considered to be?economic espionage?

???? ?I toured the?Kennedy Center which was very impressive.? The?tour guide told us to follow?her and she?remarked that?there are two private rooms?at the Kennedy Center. We viewed the?one?private room which was reserved for the U.S. President and his guests.? Afterwards,?we were led to a second?private room - this room was much larger than the?room?reserved for the U.S. President - and to my surprise, we were told that this second private room?was reserved?for the Communist Chinese?and their guests.? I believe I am the only U.S. Citizen who is disturbed that?a large private room is permanently reserved for a Communist nation on U.S. soil in a U.S. building dedicated to a U.S. President.? In fact, I'm probably the only American disturbed by the fact that?inside the building is a glass entrance from the floor to the ceiling and on the glass?was?red lettering with?Chinese?writing - and the words?"Red China" - but no one seemed bothered except for me.??I asked the tour guide why the red lettering written in Chinese and the?words "Red China" was scrolled across the glass.? She?stated that there was a performance about one year ago.? I asked,?"Why don't they remove it if the performance ended", but she?just shrugged her shoulders.? I don't know if it is still on the glass, but it should have been?red, white and blue lettering stating, U.S.A.

?????? Recently, the economic guru,?Larry Edelson,?commented?that there are 810,000,000 Communist Chinese employed today, but only 160,000,000 Americans employed. ? Remember, it was?President Bill Clinton, who?opened the flood gates to Communist China by cleverly?calling?his actions that devastated America's jobs - ?"outsourcing"? - helping build up Communist China, not America.??Clinton's?outsourcing included America's technology,?innovations, manufacturing jobs, and military arms, as well as opening up the Long Beach Port to the Communist Chinese, which Obama has moved "forward."? President Bill and Hillary Clinton?catapulted their globalist agenda by?working with the Communist Chinese to make?COSCO and Walmart?super discount stores.? But,?China's economic status is devastating?America's economic status as?consumer products formerly made in the USA are now made?in China for COSCO and Walmart.? George Soros stated that?his goal is to make Communist China the economic power in the world and devalue the U.S. dollar. This raises the question if Obama is secretly meeting with?the Communist leader to discuss the devaluation of the U.S. dollar.??Americans should be concerned and asking if?Beijing is?now the economic powerhouse in the?world, not Wall Street? ?COSCO and Walmart?import?about 90%-99% of their consumer products from Communist China.??The high quality standards for consumer products made in the USA?was devastated by the Clinton's outsourcing of America's manufacturing businesses.? Their actions have?lowered?the?economic lifestyle of every middle class citizen?to a new low.??Middle Class Americans have had their lifestyles reduced by 39% since Obama took office.?

???? Unfortunately, Obama has continued the agendas of the Clinton regime?and outsourced 85,000 green solar jobs to Communist China while American workers suffer.??During that same time, Obama granted about?$535M to Solyndra, who reportedly granted themselves?huge wages and bonuses, and?thereafter, bankrupted without accountability.? Edelson?states that? China's economy has grown by 9.2%,?while?the U.S. economy has only grown?by 1.7%!??Edelson says that the Peterson Institute and the University of Pennsylvania believe that Communist China is the #1 economic status in the world currently and?has surpassed the economic status of the U.S.? Therefore, I've included?excerpts from my Townhall Blog, "China on the Move!"? pub. 2008:

???? "It appears that China is on the move and is outsourcing America's middle class workers [morphing them into Chinese workers].? It's ridiculous to believe that a Communist country will abide by a treaty except for the sake of appearance.? All nations, who are being negatively viewed by the world, can lead people to believe that a signature or a hand shake will resolve the problem.? The Middle East treaties for peace were violated before the ink dried.?

???? The fact that the U.S. is providing its seal of approval for our women to compete in a Communist country, who punished women if they were pregnant with baby girls, by allegedly killing the pregnant women and aborting the female babies is the epitome of human rights violations against women.?These alleged killings and abortions have gone on for decades so an unknown amount of blood has been shed in violation of human rights, which exceeds gender bias, against women.? In fact, the news reported and alleged that the fetuses were [cooked] and eaten as a delicacy......."?

???? Also, "During the 90s, the CEOs of oil companies and prominent politicians and corporate leaders under the Clinton administration determined that we should open up our borders and give up our sovereignty for globalization which use to be called "The New World Order."? They determined that if they wanted to become extremely wealthy that they must "outsource" American jobs to India and Communist China.? They decided that they would "marry" China, a nice way of saying they were crawling into bed with Communist China.? So, they opened up the "superhighway" to China and outsourced [U.S.] jobs that had been?created?for future?generations of Americans since the inception of our country.? U.S. corporations were greedy seeking higher profits and sold out the American people with the help of Bill Clinton and Congress. They determined that they would pay these foreigners less money and then sell the [consumer products] formerly made in the USA back to the American people for cheaper prices by opening up discount stores [COSCO and Walmart], which made those on Wall Street, even wealthier.?

???? Therefore, If the government intentionally lowers?the standard of living for Americans,? so they can implement? globalist agendas in line with the U.N. then Americans had better wake up?now!? The goal would be to?decrease manufacturing companies in America so China?controls the manufacturing on American soil.?If that were the case, Americans would become enslaved to a Communist?nation and?treated and paid accordingly.? This would reduce the middle class down to poverty level dependent upon a foreign government for jobs and wages.??They would not tolerate a Middle Class as communists oppose a Middle Class. They would not favor? Christianity??-the ?Jewish?religious beliefs - Catholic?beliefs and there could be mandates to?reduce the population of U.S. Natural Born Citizens.? The?end?result could be?devastating to America - the end of America - and possibly the end of the U.S. Natural Born Citizens dominating the United States of America.? America and U.S. Natural Born Citizens could become the latest lost land and people - like Atlantis -?only lost because of being dominated by foreign nations under an iron fist!??

???? But, the?serious problem of being forced to purchase?inferior products and unsafe products, or products that are known to have caused injuries, death, or illness, which have been reported on a?steady basis is not to be taken lightly.? Unfortunately, Americans are the recipients of these serious problems caused by?consumer products made in Communist China.??There have been reports of high lead content, children in China dying from the high lead content in products; mold reported in dry wall which caused people to lose?their homes without reimbursement;?dangerous issues with blinds and cribs as well as death from tainted baby's formula.??Congress or presidents who followed Clinton haven't done much to stop?or limit the?out-sourcing of U.S. jobs,?technology, and manufacturing, to Communist China and India, for more than?20 years.??The outsourcing?of jobs?has caused middle class Americans to suffer the consequences of higher unemployment and loss of? businesses as well as forcing businesses to downsize and lay off?employees.? That's the reality!??Americans can?barely afford to buy products at a discount that are imported even from?China or?India?today.? Also, Americans are suffering from the high cost of gasoline.??For example, if you paid $20 to fill up your tank back in 2008 -?the same tank of gasoline could cost $60 or $80 - in today's market at $4 per gallon.??

???? Never forget that under President Clinton's reign, he sold arms to Communist China and Russia.? He sent millions of dollars to Russia.? He had defected to Communist Russia where he was protected from dodging the U.S. Draft.? Obama never served in the U.S. military.? So, how could a?draft dodger be eligible to be a U.S. President who defected to a Communist nation?? Obama stated he comes from a long line of Mulsims and that his grandfather and father,?Barack Hussein Obama, were born and raised in Kenya,?under the rule of?Great Britain,?and they?herded goats.??Obama's statements make him?ineligible to be a U.S President according to Article II, but who cares about Article II in the government?

?????Clinton supported Communist China's building up of China's?one million man army by?selling arms to Communist China and Russia, while simultaneously defunding the U.S. Military Defense Department and reducing the number of?military personnel.? He closed military bases around the nation.? Clinton caused?a substantial number of ?military?personnel?the loss of their jobs and many military personnel?lost their homes.?[also, Obama's goal has been to reduce the military and military budget,?even though he?created more wars]. ?But, did?any of these actions?shout out to the masses back in 2008 -?"China on the Move!" - to the sleepy Americans who were swooning over the handsome and wealthy players [such as Bill Clinton] at that time -[or swooning over Obama's glistening pectorals or sending chills up the legs of Chris Matthews?]?

???? In conclusion, the?Clinton's and the Obama's?are leaders who one could say seduced a nation with the help of the Hollywood glitz!? The 2008 Obama campaign was nothing short of?the world's biggest audience on live theater - the most successful reality show ever produced!? The Obama?campaign and inauguration?superseded the?excitement of?"American?Idol"? In?fact, the 2008 Obama presidential campaign and inauguration?could have been produced by Hollywood as? -?"Political Idol!"??

?????????Subscribe to?her 2 Facebooks - Rose Colombo?and?Fight Back Legal Abuse;?Follow on Twitter at Rose4Justice; Read Complimentary pages of Irwin Award winning book, ?"Fight Back Legal Abuse" on Amazon or;?You;re invited to follow Rose, named as the?authority on legal abuses and injustices, and listen to her new?on-line radio show,? taped live and archived? -

















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